TBN to air “Jehovah’s Treasure”

Jehovah’s Treasure

tbn-presents-jehovahs-treasureDeep in the Judean Desert hidden from the world for centuries are two tunnels, dug out of pure rock over 400 feet in length. According to one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Copper Scroll of Qumran, this is the area where the treasures of the Jewish Temple could be hidden.

Time and weather have long since filled these tunnels with dirt and rock, but archaeologist Oren Gutfeld of Hebrew University has found and unearthed these tunnels at long last. This documentary chronicles the history of these Biblical treasures and the Ark of the Covenant and examines the various theories surrounding their whereabouts and Dr. Gutfeld’s efforts to search below the earth to unveil it’s final resting place.

TBN » Program Schedule:

Sun 6/9 » 11:30 PM – 12:00 AM
Mon 6/10 » 12:00 AM – 12:30 AM

For more information, visit TBN.org.

New series coming in April 2013 – “Sons of Promise: Isaac and Jacob”

Sons of PromiseIn this eight-part series we see Isaac and Jacob presented as never before through dramas and on-location teachings. The programs will highlight the inestimable contributions that the whole world has received through the sons of Abraham: Isaac & Jacob/Israel.

And the Lord appeared unto Isaac and said, “Dwell in this land, and I will be with you and bless you for to you and your descendants I give all these
lands, and I will perform the oath which I swore to your father, Abraham. And I will make your descendants multiply as the stars of heaven; and in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.”

Series: “Abraham: Father of Faith”

An eight-part series telling the story of the patriarch through drama at the actual locations in the bible. Interviews with contemporary personalities illustrate the Jew’s seamless connection with the land promised to the descendants of Abraham and Isaac.